Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Farewell, Ralph

"Because the premier can't be seen supporting one team over another, I've had to sit in the stands at the Labour Day Classic and the Battle of Alberta hockey games cheering like an idiot for both teams. It's unnatural. It's like living in Red Deer." - Ralph Klein

It's the end of an era. Alberta premier Ralph Klein resigned yesterday as party leader. I haven't always agreed with his policies, such as the brutal budget cuts during the 1990's. However, I've always respected his candor. You never had to guess what his real opinion was - he always said it straight and to the point. I guess that's why he appealed to so many people. That part of Ralph was refreshing in the world of politics.

So while it's about time he left, his shoot-from-the-hip style will definitely be missed.

1 comment:

Stina said...

Hmmm... I actually disagree. I don't believe that Ralph has been as forthcoming as people think. He puts on this "Everyman" aura and that seems to convince people that he's genuine.

His recent comments on how his government had no idea how to manage Alberta's staggering growth despite years of maitaining they knew what he was doing is proof of that.

I won't miss him, I am hoping that whoever replaces him has a better idea of what is really going on in this province.

But then... I've been convinced that I've been living in the wrong province politically for quite awhile now.

Have a great weekend!

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